Success story is a best seller

When you’ve solved a customer’s problem or helped a customer make money or save money, turn it into a story that you can tell to other prospects. Often sales people are on to the next sale and forget the value of capturing a success story. That’s where marketing comes in. The description of how your company helped a client overcome a challenge can go on your web site, be used in a newsletter or be part of the presentation packet for a new customer.

Although it is like pulling teeth to get a sales person to relay some of their good stories it is worth the effort. The sales process is about overcoming fears that the service or product won’t work as expected. What better way to persuade than to tell a story of how your company solved a similar problem for another client?

To see some examples, check out how the Sierra College Training & Development and Center for Applied Competitive Technologies (CACT) tell successful employee training stories and the beneficial impact on the companies served.

Welcome to Marketing Action’s blog

Although I attend a WOMMA conference on word-of-mouth marketing several years ago, I’ve been admittedly slow to get my own site set up with video’s, blogs, pictures and links like I’ve done with some of my clients. It is the old “shoemaker’s children have no shoes” story. Anyway, I’m getting on board to practice what I preach with this blog.