Entries by Karen Fraser-Middleton

Fun facts found in Outliers by Gladwell

After reading Malcolm Gladwell’s book, Outliers this weekend, about people who are extraordinarily successful, I was intrigued by the idea that birth year, family culture back several generations and other seemly unimportant factors combined with dedicated practice can provide the foundation to make talented people great. The lesson for the younger generation who seek instant […]

Hands-on projects inspire kids, newspaper articles catch parents’ attention

Sierra College Workforce Development and Center for Applied Competitive Technologies (CACT) is inspiring young people to consider careers in product design, engineering, technology and manufacturing by offering hands-on projects at schools in Placer and Nevada counties. After a recent build in Grass Valley, the Tech-Explorer catapult project was featured in the Union newspaper. Kids catapult […]

Color Trends

I have been blessed to have worked with wonderful designers who take the text I write and turn it into eye catching print materials that reinforce the brand. To learn more about color, you might want to check out pantone.com. You’ll find Pantone’s Top 5 trend palettes. It is also fun to look at the […]

Technology Meltdown Rant

Today, I had a technology meltdown. My email didn’t work. Thank goodness I can rely of Valley IT Support (www.valleyitsupport.com). I sent an email via my website at 6:17 am and had a reply by 6:23am setting a time to resolve this problem. Then my phone dropped off a client in the middle of a […]

Participate in Community Blogs

To gain more name recognition for your company and actively participate in your community, consider writing on your local newspaper’s blog. I write as MarketingAction on placeropolis.com a web site maintained by Gold Country Media featuring the Loomis News and other area publications. I report on community news, submit photos, post the marketing class I […]

Make personalized ecards

I tried Smilebsox to make an ecard using some recent photographs I’d taken including the wild turkeys seen here. The web site is not nearly as intuitive as the wonderful Flip Video Camera reviewed below but it is still pretty easy to use. I got stuck trying to figure out how to add multiple photos […]

Renoir creates wellness kit

Renoir Staffing Services, Inc. human resources manager, Sara, recently presented employees with clever wellness kits that included tea, cough drops, tissues, hand sanitizer and other goodies at a company meeting. To share the idea, Renoir included a photo of the kit in the newsletter sent to clients.

Surveymonkey.com a quick way to gather information

Several of my clients are currently using surveymonkey.com to gather information important to their organizations. One has asked employees to confidentially give input to help with strategic planning for 2009. The other asked advisory committee members in which way they may be able to contribute to the program. Both saved the managers’ time by gathering […]

Customers deliver better service than employees

I’ve been shopping at the same grocery store for 15 years. When I had a particularly bad experience due to lack of shopping carts, clerks unable to find things, out-of-date produce and no bagger available to help me out, I felt compelled to call the store. The person I spoke to was gracious in taking […]

Sierra College STEM Grant attracts middle school students to Tech Careers

The Sierra College Tech-Explorer catapult project that introduces students to Science, Technology, Engineering and Math was reported in a brief in the 10-24-08 Sacramento Business Journal page 29 under Business Notes. The press release » 10/13/08 Sierra College offers relevant technical education to Roseville middle school explains the project and lists several sources for career […]