Spooktacular Dance benefits Military Oct. 7 in Loomis

The 3rd Annual Red, White & Blue “Spooktacular” Benefit Dance dedicated to American Armed Forces and Veterans will be held on Friday, Oct. 7 at 7 PM at the Blue Goose Fruit Shed, located at 3550 Taylor Rd, in Loomis. Bring your friends and neighbors for a fun evening of dancing, contests and showing your appreciation to our military.

Enjoy dancing to live 60’s & 70’s music by the 9.5 band, a no-host bar, raffle prizes and supporting the Armed Forces. Entertainment includes Miss Placer County helping with Halloween Costume and Hula-Hooping contests. Come early to take part in a Free Group Swing Dance Class 6-7PM. Tickets are $25 per couple and $15 for single and available at Camelot Costumes, 3717 Taylor Rd in Loomis and the Loomis Chamber of Commerce, 6090 Horseshoe Bar Road in Loomis, as well as by calling 916-652-8441, or at the door.

All proceeds from this fundraiser will benefit Wounded Warriors Family Support Division (http://www.woundedwarriorproject.org/ ) and Courage For The Journey military and veterans services offered through the Gold Country Chaplaincy (http://www.goldcountrychaplaincy.com/).

This year special recognition will be given to survivors of Pearl Harbor, according to Red, White & Blue Spooktacular Dance organizer, Sheila Lee. “I have been privileged to hear many stories from our veterans that they usually don’t share,” said Lee. “It makes me so proud and I am passionate about making this benefit a success so we can give support to military families.”

Lee is also collecting photos to post at the dance and encouraged people to drop off copies of photos of their military experience at her store, Camelot Costumes, 3717 Taylor Rd in Loomis, email them to camelotcostumes@sbcglobal.net or call her at 916-652-8441.

Demonstrating her patriotism by organizing this event, Lee wants to give others a way to show their support to those who serve or have served our country. She often quotes G.K. Chesterton – “The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him.” “Join us for a great evening that will make you proud to be an American,” said Lee.

Event sponsors include 92.1 KHITS, Black Bear Outdoors, Loomis Brewing Company and Camelot Costumes. Soroptimist International of Loomis Basin and 17 other businesses, organizations and individuals are also contributing to the benefit.