
Marketing action plan for tradeshows

If you are planning to particpate in a tradeshow, start your marketing planning by asking yourself these questions:

  • Date of event
  • Audience – # people, who they are
  • Atmosphere of this conference and typical displays
  • Purpose of attending
  • Expected outcome
  • What has and has not worked when you attended this or similiar events in the past?
  • If you are updating your display, are there events where you may use this same display because of a similiar audience and purpose?
  • What else will attract an audience – movie on TV, demonstrations?
  • Do you want promotional giveaways?
  • What are your plans to invite clients and prospects to stop by your booth?
  • How will you collect attendees’ contact info – from conference organizers or with a drawing at your booth?
  • What follow-up do you have planned with those who visit the tradeshow?
  • Are there opportunities to provide door prizes that are announced?
  • Can you give an educational presentation?
  • How will you prepare staff who are working the booth?
  • What coordination is required with conference group about electricity, union rules for bringing in booth, timing and set up requirements?