Referrals can grow your business

Most successful businesses grow from the referrals of satisfied customers or business associates.

If you go out of your way to solve a customer’s problem, treat a client with kindness or help your friends’ businesses, they will remember your efforts. And, they may consider making referrals to your company.

It starts with you. Look for opportunities to be helpful. For instance, a client recently had a computer problem and I suggested an IT expert who I know. A company was looking for customized employee training, and I introduced Sierra College Training & Development.

And when you receive a referral or other kind gesture, show your appreciation. I’ve just discovered a great tool to make personalized printed cards using my own photos for thank you notes. The card can even be sent with an enclosed gift card.

When you genuinely communicate your appreciation and give referrals freely, your business and your friends’ businesses will grow, just like my pumpkin.